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  • Writer's pictureTerry McArthur


Blog #14, November 2021. A poem for the pandemic.

In the vastness of the heart

We meet once more

The veil of lifetimes lifted

The solitary walk through the dread darkness gone

The longing and the yearning


In the vastness of the heart

We discover peace

All seeking ceases

The eternal winter at our back

Splinters of sunlight falling on our delicate skin

This too gone

In the vastness of the heart

We are composed of shimmering light

The rough ploughed field of dreams

The shadow of our tears

The palace of our small despairs

At last illuminated

In the vastness of the heart

We are the naked breath of bliss

Night that wrapped us in the fog of her arms

The blind turns, the half joys

The wicked wheel of the deathless dawn

All gone

In the vastness of the heart

We meet once more

By angel’s fire, by tidal moon

By holy river, by sacred sea

By all the laws of love and incantation

We merge

One heart one soul

© The Vastness of The Heart. Terry McArthur. Blue Pearl Music 2021.

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1 Comment

Nov 28, 2021

Great to be reminded, when the threads of global disease (not covid - r.wing extremism) threaten to draw us into conflagration, that there's an antidote.

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