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  • Writer's pictureTerry McArthur


Blog #10 May 15th 2021. For Deborah.

ours is the ancient dance made of rock and earth

beneath the footprint of time

ours is the beginning of all things

ours is the blue haven of estuary and ocean

ours is the singing of the sun as it rises to kiss the skin of the day

ours is the ancient dance

ours are the luminous wings of angels beating so loudly

the mountains shake loose avalanches of stone

our is the end of all things

time passed and pressed the blessed moment when song

emerges from the silence and we breathe again

ours is the ancient dance

ours is the stillness and the space between shadow and light

ours is how the eye sees

the flesh forms

the soul rises and returns

eternity and time sing within us

ours is the ancient dance

© OURS IS THE ANCIENT DANCE. Terry McArthur. Blue Pearl Music.

Image: Dancer of the Light. Terry McArthur.

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17 мая 2021 г.

Equally powerful as a celebration of A Life-Time Love as it is A Love of Country!

Well-Worded, O Wild One 🌏

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