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  • Writer's pictureTerry McArthur


BLOG #2 : October 2020

Ruminations | Reflections | Anecdotes | Contemplations.

MR PRESIDENT (NO FAKE NEWS) is the first single off The Space Between.

For Blog # 2 we asked Terry to say something about the origins of the song,

dropped in Frido Viola's brilliant video and included the full lyrics and credits.

" The world is not your apocalypse"

That was the first line of what what would become MR PRESIDENT ( NO FAKE NEWS).

It was 2017 and Trump and Kim Jong-un had yet to fully indulge in the fantasy that they were the saviors of humanity. Trump tweets warned "Rocket Boy" of "fire and fury" the likes of which the world had never seen if North Korea's resident Chairman and serial human rights abuser, so much as pointed a missile at America.

By 2018 Trump had replaced USA basketball legend Dennis Rodwell as Kim the Winker's new favorite best western friend. By 2019 Trump would become the first sitting US president to step into North Korea after he shook hands with Kim Jong-un in the Korean demilitarised zone (DMZ) and then lumbered north before crossing back South to sit down for the frippery of "formal talks".

Of course there were those who called for Nobel prizes but by the beginning of this year the ticker-tape parade for world peace had already began to fade into the long dark shadow of COVID. History, to Trump's bewilderment, was a virus.

And I wonder what thoughts ran through the President's mind as he saw his grey suited buddy Kim the Winker perched high above Il Sung Square looking down at the goose stepping precision of a midnight military parade celebrating the 75th anniversary of the ruling Worker's Party. I wonder what tweet ran through his mind as North Korea's new intercontinental ballistic missile, reported to be the largest road-mobile rocket of its type, rolled through the streets.

I'll tell you what ran through mine:

Mr President. Mr Chairman. The world is not your apocalypse.

© Terry McArthur Blue Pearl Music.





Produced | Recorded |Mixed by

Justin Guip at Milan Hill Studios

Mastered by: Dave McNair

Video by Fredo Viola

Terry McArthur: Spoken word

Jesse Murphy: Vocals, bass,

Josh Colow: Guitars

Justin Guip: Drums

Special Thanks :

Deborah Young

James Curtis, Bob Roden,

Rob Sampson, Krishnananda

Executive Producers:

Alison Dunn, Bhu Devi, Chin Kham Yoke,

David Ostinga, Deanne Hinder Hawkins

Frances Dart, Parvati, Robyn Hall,

Susan Filan, Victoria Wildie

Spiritual Instructions:

Baba Muktananda, Shakti Durga, Amma

Released by Blue Pearl Music and distributed by MGM.

© Blue Pearl Music. All rights reserved.



There’s a war going on and on and on and on

There’s a war going on and on and on and on

Mr President Mr Chairman

the world is not your apocalypse


you are no saviors



is not

a bargaining chip



are not

golf clubs or basketballs


murder by missiles

is a crime

against humanity

Mr President Mr Chairman

There’s a war going on

There’s a war going on and on and on and on

There’s a war going on and on and on and on

Mr President Mr Chairman

The ghosts of Hiroshima

are asking after you

Rest assured

this is not fake news

These are not alternative facts

They know all about fire & fury

& ashen bones

Mr President Mr Chairman

You are no saviors

Mr Chairman Mr President

This is the fight

There’s a war going on and on and on and on

There’s a war going on and on and on and on

The faster it goes the slower it gets

The less I remember the more I forget

They bind you to meanings, they tie you to wheels

They blow out your senses ‘til you don’t know what to feel--

Where are the stories, where are the songs?

Where is the love we always longed?

Where is the truth by what laws truth shall we live?

How shall we take, what shall we give?

We who are exiles, we who are swarm

This the fight.

There’s a war going on and on and on and on

This is the war, this what we are all here for

There’s a war going on and on and on and on

No no no no no

No no no no no

No fake news here

© Mr President (McArthur-Guip-Colow-Murphy) Blue Pearl Music 2020.

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